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Slimworx & Facts About Weight Loss

by Dr. Dirk Wiedbrauck M.D., N.D.

Deceptive Diets and Weight Gain

Many adults who have been on a diet have experienced the typical stages of dieting. Initially, weight loss occurs followed by weight stabilization. However, in the final stage the weight that was initially lost is gained back. When another diet is started, the weight loss is less than before. Doctors claim that many of their patients do not experience weight loss even on diets restricted to 800 calories a day.

Low Calorie Diets

Assume a person consumes 2,500 calories per day and is 15 pounds overweight. Following a typical diet, a decrease in their daily intake to 2,000 calories results in a deficit of 500 calories. The human body expects 2,500 calories and therefore, uses stored energy to compensate for this deficit, resulting in weight loss. After a period of time (varying by individual), no further weight loss occurs. The reason for this is due to the body’s natural survival mechanisms to adjust to a reduced food supply. This leads to stabilization with no further weight loss. In some cases, the dieter even starts to gain weight.

Why Weight Gain Occurs

Humans are driven by survival instinct. This instinct takes effect as soon as a caloric deficit develops. During the initial diet period, the body adjusts to the lower calorie intake. The second phase of the diet triggers the survival instinct to respond to another reduction in energy intake to around 1,700 calories. As a result, the body produces energy/fat deposits, which then results in weight gain.

Frequency of Eating and Insulin Resistance

The key to modern, successful weight management and weight control is the ‘frequency of eating’. Insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas, is the responsible factor. This hormone not only regulates blood sugar but also regulates fat metabolism. Eating foods containing carbohydrates causes insulin levels to rise. High insulin levels inhibit fat utilization and promote the production of new fat cells. New fat cells then send messages to the brain, which are experienced as hunger pangs. With more frequent eating, insulin levels increase and lead to the production of more fat cells, thus causing fat utilization to slow down.

In the majority of cases, being overweight is caused primarily by low calorie diets as well as high insulin levels (caused by frequent eating). Numerous studies have proven this effect. A study, conducted in Germany, with 356 participants clearly demonstrated these findings. Both groups were limited to 1000 calories/day. One group (Group A) consumed that amount in five meals, the control group (Group B) in three meals. At the beginning of the study, the body composition of each participant was measured. Every participant had to lose twenty pounds before they were measured again in order to determine if they had lost fat or muscle mass. The results clearly proved that eating three times a day promotes fat loss while eating five times a day resulted in loss of muscle mass.

Metabolic Rate

Another key factor in weight management is metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is an indicator of the body’s ability to burn fat and depends entirely on the amount of body muscle mass. With more muscle mass, the higher the metabolic rate and fat burning. By losing muscle mass, which always occurs in low calorie diets, metabolic rate is decreased.

A low metabolic rate inhibits fat burning or losing weight. A high metabolic rate is a direct result of high muscle mass, which guarantees optimal utilization of the food one consumes.

Slimworx and a three meal plan will help you reduce body fat, increase muscle mass and maintain a healthy weight.