It is our mission to help our clients achieve optimal health. We do this by providing information, and the highest quality unique natural formulas that can provide pain relief, diet control, energy and other specific health concerns.

Anne - "pain in the worst joint (knuckle) is down by 50%, meaning mobility is up 50%!"
Dear HealthWorx, Thanks to your (PainWorx) Serrapeptase, almost overnight my stomach is finally comfortable ('invisible') after YEARS of trying stomach remedies.  I no longer have constant hypoglycemia.   I go hours and hours without worrying about needing to eat.  This I'm sure will lead to weight loss. My osteoarthritis is getting better--rings I couldn't wear a couple of weeks ago now fit, and swelling  and pain in the worst joint (knuckle) is down by 50%, meaning mobility is up 50%! I'm VERY grateful you make Vegan products.  Thank you so much from a senior in North Vancouver, BC.
   - Nov. 11th, 2004   - Nov. 11th, 2004, North Vancouver, BC

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