It is our mission to help our clients achieve optimal health. We do this by providing information, and the highest quality unique natural formulas that can provide pain relief, diet control, energy and other specific health concerns.

Michael - "I cannot say enough about this product."

In September of 2003, when visiting a specialist for what I believed was further torn meniscus cartilage, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right knee. At that time I was both in pain and had a pronounced limp. For almost a year I worked on this problem with glucosamine, exercise, stretching and the wearing of "golfer's style" copper and metallic bracelets. This combination has helped me gradually get relief from pain, allowed me to walk without a limp and to resume my lifelong hiking "habit".

Then I discovered (PainWorx) Serrapeptase quite by accident. I read the literature on your website and decided to try it. I started on the recommended dosage in August of this year, and the results became quickly apparent. Whether due to the Serapeptase alone or its combination with the previously mentioned other remedies I don't know, but the improvement was accelerated dramatically and almost immediately. So much so, that in October I went on a hiking trip in California, and in one six day period climbed four peaks that were nine, ten, eleven and thirteen thousand feet with absolutely no after affects, as well as numerous other strenuous hikes in the Death Valley area.

I cannot say enough about this product. I know that this condition will stay with me and can't be totally cured without a knee replacement procedure, but the advent of (PainWorx) Serrapeptase has allowed me to almost totally ignore the problem and carry on as if it didn't exist. I'm so pleased with the results that I often forget the additional benefits of Serrapeptase, it truly is a fantastic product.

   - Dec. 14th 2004   - Dec. 14th 2004, Burnaby BC

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