It is our mission to help our clients achieve optimal health. We do this by providing information, and the highest quality unique natural formulas that can provide pain relief, diet control, energy and other specific health concerns.

Laura - "I am happy to report that I have never felt better."

I started taking (PainWorx) Serrapeptase after hearing about its benefits on a talk radio program. I am happy to report that I have never felt better. After only four days on it my sinuses have almost completely drained and my headaches have started to clear. I have suffered from congestion for so long that I can't remember when I didn't. I can actually touch my face without it being tender. I will be telling my friends about this product because I am very impressed with the results thus far.

One thing that I should mention is that I  have noticed is a slightly dizzy feeling, but am sure that this will pass when the process is a little farther along. I will keep you posted.

   - Feb. 18th 2005   - Feb. 18th 2005, Vancouver BC

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