Summer Fun Pain-Free
Little-Known Secrets of Enzymes
The Miracle of Being Pain-free with Enzymes
In the early 20th century, Canadian Doctor William Osler offered us the concept that “we dig our graves with our forks and knives.” And at present the truth of this statement lies in the fact that in the Western world our diseases are of excess, not deficiency, as with the third world and in our distant past.
Enzymes Do More than just Digest Food
It is not commonly discussed but the enzymes in our bodies serve many more functions than simply aiding in digestion. Food that requires forks and knives are usually cooked foods and meats, and these foods require high levels of enzymes for their digestion. Our body produces enzymes, via the pancreas, until we get older then, like many of the organs, the pancreas gets tired and cannot produce so well.
While raw foods contain their own enzymes, cooked foods in essence steal enzymes. And the more we eat cooked and processed foods the more enzymes we lose. If one is tired after eating, it can be a sign that the body expended more energy digesting the food than it actually received from the food.
Now, when there is no food in the stomach requiring enzymes for digestion, the enzymes cruise through the bloodstream looking to remove foreign invaders. These include allergens, bacteria, dead cells, and even viruses in some cases. (In fact some of these enzymes are used in Europe to even treat cancer.) As soon as we eat something lacking in enzymes, all our protectors head to the stomach to devote themselves to aiding digestion. The more overcooked the food (meat and canned foods being the worst) the more enzymes required. You can see that if we are eating cooked and processed foods all day long, we are occupying our enzymes with only one of their functions, to the detriment of the body as a whole.
The Secret of Protein Digesting Enzymes
Some enzymes digest fiber and starch, some fat, some sugars and some digest protein. Of the enzymes it is the protein digesting enzymes that are the most valuable for cleaning our blood of these “invaders”. Known as “proteolytic” enzymes, and found in various forms from pineapple (bromelain)and papaya (papain), to pig pancreas (pancreatin), these enzymes are also cultivated from silkworm bacteria or from plant based fungal sources (serratia peptidase).
Reduce Pain Naturally and Safely
These powerful enzymes will chew through dead and damaged cells at the sites of inflammation, swelling and injury, removing the unwanted cells resulting in reduced pain. Another valuable area where these protein digesting enzymes work is in eating up arterial plaque, which is a build-up of dead matter. By reducing this build-up on the arteries we both reduce our risk of heart disease and greatly improve circulation.
Safer than Drugs and More Effective
Drugs used to treat pain from inflammation have side effects that are very dangerous. The most popular drugs currently used to treat pain and inflammation, are the COX-2 inhibitors, which are now linked to increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke by up to 50%. As well they have been shown to worsen colitis, gastric ulcers and dyspepsia.
When we take steps to naturally reduce our pain and inflammation we have the added benefit of reducing our risk of many other dangerous diseases. This is because the inflammatory mechanisms in the body have been linked to conditions beyond arthritic ones, including Alzheimer’s, inflammatory bowel diseases, fibromyalgia, heart disease and certain forms of cancer.
How to use Proteolytic Enzymes
It is important to remember that all these great secondary benefits of protein digesting enzymes only occur when there is no protein in the stomach for them to digest. So we take such products on an empty stomach (or at least with no protein: i.e. fish, meat, cheese, eggs, poultry, tofu, beans, etc), at least a half hour before eating or an hour afterwards. Pharmacist Alan Glasser has said: “…from my clinical experience I have several clients that experienced profound results from taking 6 (caps of proteolytic enzymes) per day, 3 before bed and 3 in the morning – always on an empty stomach.”
Let’s take a look at all the ailments that have been treated with various protein digesting enzymes:
- Arthritis, both osteo and rheumatoid
- Breast engorgement and fibrocystic breast disease
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Circulatory disorders
- Chronic pulmonary disorders
- Crohn’s disease and colitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Lung conditions including asthma, bronchitis and chronic cough
- Post surgical swelling and inflammation, including dental surgery
- Sinusitis and post nasal drip
- Sprains and muscle strains
- Tendonitis and bursitis
- Varicose and spider veins
Two of your best choices in therapeutic strength proteolytic enzyme products are Painworx Theratase and Duopeptase, from Healthworx.
Again, I will quote Pharmacist, and radio health show host, Alan Glasser who, when asked about natural pain relieving alternatives had this to say: “There is an answer. I’ve seen my clients feel marked decrease in pain using both Painworx Duopeptase and Theratase, usually within 30 days.”
Feel your Hip, Knee and Wrist Pain Disappear
We will close with a few testimonials from people who have used the Painworx products to great benefit.
“I used to always wake up with stiff joints and take 15 minutes to get out of bed. After taking Painworx I got out of bed quickly and move easily.” - Retired construction worker, Delta, B.C.
“My osteoarthritis is better – rings that I couldn’t wear a couple of weeks ago now fit. My pain and swelling is down by 50%.” - Anne, senior, North Vancouver
“Before Duopeptase, I had great pain in my legs when walking. I can now walk several blocks pain free.” - Oliver, Burnaby, B.C.
